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We handle cases involving children.

This can be from arranging contact with your children right through to residency. Please have a look at this section but contact us to arrange a FREE telephone consultation (no obligation) and we can take you through your options and the costs involved.


Child Contact

Often when couples have parted contact with children is either not arranged or has been arranged by mutual consent and somewhere along the way something goes wrong and the party with whom the child or children live stops contact. The non-resident parent cannot do anything about it as there is no Court Order outlining when and where contact should take place. This is where we come in.


We can help you apply to the Courts for an application for a Child Arrangement Order. This will mean attending Court before the Magistrates or a District Judge to seek an Order for regular contact with the children.


We charge a standard FIXED FEE for this work of £750.00 (NO VAT) which is all you pay us to deal with the form filling, put together the paperwork, handle the CAFCASS report and prepare your various statements to accompany your application.


Please contact us to arrange a for a FREE telephone consultation.


We handle all child matters including residency.

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