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Sexual Abuse
Claims for Compensation


Sexual and criminal abuse


If you have been a victim of sexual or physical abuse, we understand how incredibly hard it is to talk about. When you’re ready, we will listen and advise you throughout your compensation claim. We work with you in complete confidentiality.


Sexual abuse claims and compensation


Talking about being abused, whether it happened recently or many years ago, is never an easy thing to do for anyone who has experienced it. The thought of discussing these personal, emotional, and distressing issues with someone official can feel quite traumatic and daunting when contemplating putting in a sexual abuse claim. We understand just how difficult this can be and it is our aim to make the process as easy as possible and ensure you get the justice you deserve.


What is an abuse claim?


Abuse can happen at any stage of life and can present itself in many forms. There are three main forms of abuse:


  • Sexual abuse – a person making sexual contact without consent

  • Physical abuse – hitting, kicking, punching, and biting

  • Emotional abuse – for example, harassment, threats of violence, image-based abuse (such as sexting or revenge pornography or sharing images without your consent)


If you have been a victim of abuse in any of the ways above, not only has a criminal offence potentially been committed, but you have suffered as a result. Where harm has been suffered, either physically and/or psychologically, it may be possible to bring a claim.


A civil abuse claim can also recover costs which you have incurred, such as loss of earnings if you have been unable to work or any treatments such as counselling and therapy. It is important that not only do you get the justice you deserve, but that you are compensated for your suffering and any financial losses.


Types of abuse claims


There are various situations where compensation may be claimed. The most common abuse claims include:


  • Abuse suffered in an organisational setting such as a religious institution, schools, youth clubs, sports clubs.

  • Abuse suffered as a child in local authority or foster care: This refers to any form of harm that happens to a child who is under the care of a local authority.

  • A failure by social services to protect a child from abuse: This is where social services, who in certain situations have a duty of care towards children as well as a duty to act in accordance with the Human Rights Act 1998, do not adequately intervene or take necessary steps to prevent harm to a child who is known or suspected to be at risk of abuse

  • Abuse by a person in a position of trust: This could be someone in a higher position of power including a priest, a teacher, a sports coach, or a doctor.

  • Abuse suffered within the family: This is abuse that has happened within the family or family home.

  • Abuse of the elderly in a nursing or care home: Elder abuse refers to any form of harm that comes to a resident living in a long-term care facility.

  • Sexual or physical abuse suffered as an adult: This is any abuse that has been suffered over the age of 18.


Who can make an abuse claim?


Anyone who is a victim or survivor of abuse, whether that is physical or sexual can make an abuse claim. This includes any abuse that happened in the past or recently. It is therefore important that not only do you get the justice you deserve if you are a victim of abuse, but it is also your right to claim compensation.


These cases can be very complex, whether you’re a survivor of abuse as an adult or a child, or if a loved one has suffered from abuse, it is important you speak to a us in complete confidence and let us unravel your story and put it to the courts in a legal way, we will work hard to get compensation for victims of abuse. If you’re not sure whether you are entitled to compensation, don’t worry. We will speak to you in confidence and advise on whether you are eligible to make a claim.


How do I make an abuse compensation claim?


We understand that taking those initial steps to start a claim can often be daunting. However, we have made the process as easy and straightforward as possible. When you contact us, one of our experts who specialises in representing victims and survivors of abuse will speak to you in confidence and take details of your claim. We can take as long as you need to discuss your experience.


They will then provide you with their expert advice, talk you through the process and answer any questions you may have. You will also be provided with paperwork from your lawyer with documents for you to sign so we are able to continue with your claim.


To support your claim, we will need to gather evidence. Your expert lawyers will obtain all the relevant records in your case, take a detailed statement from you if appropriate and will also instruct a medical expert to review your medical records and prepare a professional report as evidence. The type of medical experts we instruct will depend on how the abuse has affected you both physically and psychologically. Appointments can take place in person or virtually and we will support you every step of the way.


After gathering evidence, we will present your claim to the responsible party, such as a school, church, local authority, or care home. They will then pass the claim to their insurers, who will assess the claim, and either they or their legal team will determine if they are at fault, a step known as "establishing liability."


In some cases, liability is established under the principle of vicarious liability, without proving prior knowledge of abuse. In other cases, proving negligence or prior knowledge is necessary, and our experienced lawyers will provide guidance accordingly.


We will engage in negotiations with those we believe are legally responsible for your safety. We will try wherever possible try to secure a settlement in such cases, making trials exceedingly rare. Once a settlement is reached, the responsible party's insurers will make the compensation payment, concluding the case.

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