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Civil Law

At Affordable Law we are offering litigation and alternative dispute resolution services in England and Wales.
Civil cases often go through the procedure of alternative dispute resolution to try and reach settlement at an early stage of the case to prevent costly court action.
Alternative dispute resolution is beneficial to both parties and also prevents unnecessary court cases, some of which can continue for years and can cost all the parties involved a great deal of expense and stress.
Affordable Law has expertise in advising clients on litigation matters – advising private individuals in cases where litigation might be an option.
Regardless of the matter under dispute, it is crucial to seek advice at an early stage of a dispute from a law firm and we offer 30 minutes of FREE advice on your legal matter.
Why use Affordable Law Litigation Paralegals?
Affordable Law regularly handle claims at the County Court – as well as high-value claims at the High Court, the Commercial Court and the Court of Appeal.
Affordable Law Alternative Dispute Resolution Services
Affordable Law offers in-house alternative dispute resolution services to both corporate clients and private individuals in securing the best outcome for our clients.
Sometimes, it may not be possible to resolve a matter through alternative dispute resolution – and in such cases, we will take swift action to protect our client’s interests and offer the best representation for any court action.
When facing litigation, clients need to be confident their legal firm has the edge – often there is not only a financial interest to protect, but also potentially a client’s future. Resolution is possible at any stage of a case – and the court encourages this.
While preparing for a court hearing, Affordable Law will continue working on behalf of a client to resolve the matter out of court, if possible – we understand this is often in the client’s best interests.
No one really wants to be subjected to a costly and stressful court case – and whether a client is a major corporation, an SME, or a private individual, Affordable Law treat each claim with the same care and tenacity, with a view to achieving the quickest and most cost-effective solution for the client.
Affordable Law – Areas of Law
Affordable Law paralegals handle most areas of law – and are able to advise on any litigation matter, as well as being able to call on the expertise of leading barristers and expert witnesses.
Affordable Law Litigation’s key areas of practice are:
ADR & Mediation
Company & Commercial
Contentious Probate
Debt Recovery & Enforcement
Professional Negligence.